Welcome to my mid life crisis!

I can't believe you are actually reading my blog! How cool. Pretty much I am doing this for myself. Kind of like an on-line diary if you will. Hope you like it...just don't look too close at grammar and spelling!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

5 weeks

I am starting to get a bit nervous. I am starting to question my decision to ride 438 miles on a bike.  I am doing training rides on Saturday and this last one kicked my butt.  I rode 33 miles, was supposed to ride 40 but I'll get to that in a minute.  The ride was "hill training" which meant one freaking hill after the next.  I thought I was going to die. 

I was following this girl in front of me who was following my sister who was following a random guy that was not part of our group so we ended up 2 miles off the route.  In order to catch up with the group we ended up shaving 7 miles off the entire ride.  Honestly, I don't think I had the 7 miles left in me so it was probably a good thing.  This coming Saturday we ride 45 miles of hills. YIKES!  I am really worried.


  1. Hooray! I'm your first follower. = )
    I knew you were riding across the state of Oklahoma, but it the actual amount of mileage never really crossed my mind. 438 miles is intense! How many miles will you be riding each day?
    Do you have all of your equipment ready to go? I'd love to hear about all the necessary things you'll need to take with you. I wouldn't even begin to know how to pack for such a journey.
    Did you realize that the drive from STL to OKC is 500 miles? It takes us 8 hours to make that drive. You'll be riding almost that distance.... on a BIKE!!!! I'm not trying to scare you. You're SUPERfit woman and will do this!!! You've been working out and training for months. You are an athlete. You are STRONG!!!
    I look forward to hearing more about this amazing journey.

  2. I just saw your comment! I am new at this blog stuff. I have a packing list and better start figuring out what I am taking. I know you have to pack each outfit in a plastic bag because it usually rains. I never thought about the mileage and thought about it in terms of a road trip but you are right...holy cow!!!! I'm getting nervous.
